Local residents individually…


Local residents individually and in the group, Concerned Citizens of North Stormont have been engaged in an on-going dispute with the wind proponent, Energie de Portugal (EDPR) and the Ministry of Environment for many years. In spite of EDPR's deeply flawed submissions for approval (including lack of transparency, lack of public consultation with meaning (posted unanswered questions with names redacted on web site following final public consultation meeting), failure to comply with regulations, ignoring negative effects on wells and existing aquifers and MANY other issues the previous Liberal government approved the projects with MANY conditions attached.
The PC Government during the election campaign promised to cancel all "pre-construction" projects; Nation Rise IS "pre-construction" BUT this same government has now proposed ERO 013-4265 which grandfathers "in-process" projects under the OLD Green Energy Act. What does "in-process" mean? What is the definition of "in-process?"
ERO 013-4265 is NOT what was said during the campaign and exposes the present government to law suits and liability for allowing "existing and in-process renewable energy projects" to continue having been given documentation, medical reports, world wide scientific proof of "serious harm to health" and "serious and irreversible harm to the environment." Withdraw ERO 013-4265. Protect the health, water and environment of Ontario as promised. "Promise made, promise kept."

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