Dear Minister Clark,
Please find attached the letter from our President, Mr. Clarence Nywening, that provides the Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario’s comments on the four proposals for changes to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2017.
Because farmland protection is one of CFFO’s fundamental priorities, CFFO cannot support the four proposals. They risk a return to the kind of historical growth path of low-density urban sprawl that reduces farmland, jeopardizing the health of the agri-food system, and ultimately, food security.
Mr. Nywening’s letter includes a number of recommendations as alternatives.
Respectfully yours,
Brenda Dyack
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Soumis le 28 février 2019 3:10 PM
Commentaire sur
Modification proposée au Plan de croissance de la région élargie du Golden Horseshoe, 2017
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