ERO 019 - 6821 Under Bill 97…


ERO 019 - 6821
Under Bill 97
Proposed Changes to: Planning Act / City of Toronto Act / MMAH Act
Staff Level Comments – Town of Mono

Fee Refund Delay Until July 01st: Town of Mono Staff Agree
Fee Refund Municipal Exemptions: Town of Mono Staff Agree
Clarify Existing Parking Space
Provisions - Additional Residential
Units - Apply Only to 2nd + 3rd Units: Town of Mono Staff Agree

Minor Housekeeping Edits to Support
Implementation +
Consistent Terminology: Town of Mono Staff Agree

New regulatory authority
to prescribe specific circumstances
for site plan control
for residential developments < 10 units: Town of Mono Staff Agree

Enable individual who receives notice
of passing - interim control by-law
(ICBL) ability to appeal ICBL at the time
of initial passing; not at the time of
extension: Town of Mono Staff Disagree

Amend notice + appeal timelines to
provide 20 days for municipalities to
give notice of passing of an ICBL or
extension of ICBL from current 30 days: Town of Mono Staff Disagree

Provide Minister of Municipal Affairs
& Housing the authority to exempt
certain subsequent approvals
required to establish uses permitted
by an MZO from having to align with
Provincial Plans + Policies: Town of Mono Staff Disagree

Documents justificatifs