I am writing to express my…


I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the proposed project in Dresden. It is imperative that we advocate for a thorough environmental assessment before any further steps are taken.

The potential for water contamination poses a grave risk to the fragile ecosystem of Molly's creek and the Sydenham River, home to over 80 species at risk. These include invaluable species such as the Eastern Pondmussel, Midland Painted Turtle, and the majestic Bald Eagle. Any compromise to the water quality could have catastrophic consequences for these vulnerable populations.

Species at Risk:

Mussels at Risk:
Eastern Pondmussel
Northern Riffleshell
Purple Wartyback
Rayed Bean
Round Hickorynut
Round Pigtoe
Salamander Mussel
Threehorn Wartyback
Wavy-rayed Lampmussel

Fish at Risk:
Blackstripe Topminnow
Eastern Sand Darter
Grass Pickerel
Northern Madtom
Northern Sunfish
Pugnose Minnow
Pugnose Shiner
River Darter
Silver Lamprey
Spotted Sucker

Snakes at Risk:
Eastern Foxsnake
Eastern Hog-nosed Snake
Eastern Milksnake

Turtles at Risk:
Blanding’s Turtle
Midland Painted Turtle
Northern Map Turtle
Snapping Turtle
Spiny Softshell

Moreover, the threat of soil pollution looms over Dresden's agricultural heartland. With prime farmland already under pressure from encroaching development, the prospect of soil contamination poses a serious threat to local crops and the agricultural economy.

The thriving population of eagles in the area is also at risk. The proposed development's proximity raises significant concerns about the well-being of these majestic birds, with studies suggesting potential health hazards from airborne contaminants originating from landfills.

Additionally, the proposed site falls significantly short of the mandated distance for new landfills from townlines, violating essential landfill legislation designed to protect both communities and ecosystems.

For safety this site should fall under the latest landfill legislation that states any new site should be a minimum of 3.5km This oversight underscores the urgent need for a comprehensive environmental assessment to evaluate the potential impacts thoroughly.

In conclusion, I urge you to prioritize the well-being of our environment and vulnerable species by mandating a full environmental assessment before proceeding with the project. Failing to do so would not only endanger local ecosystems but also undermine the integrity of our environmental regulations. The future health of Dresden's environment and its inhabitants hangs in the balance, and decisive action is needed to ensure their protection.

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