Urgent Need for…


Urgent Need for Environmental Assessment: Proposed Project in Dresden

I am writing to emphasize the critical necessity of conducting a comprehensive environmental assessment for the proposed project in Dresden. The implications of proceeding without such an assessment are both significant and concerning.

Firstly, the proximity of Molly's creek, a natural spring feeding directly into the Sydenham River, poses a substantial risk of water contamination. This river supports a diverse ecosystem, housing over 80 species at risk, including but not limited to:

Mussels: Eastern Pondmussel, Fawnsfoot, Kidneyshell, Lilliput, Mapleleaf, Northern Riffleshell, Purple Wartyback, Rainbow, Rayed Bean, Round Hickorynut, Round Pigtoe, Salamander Mussel, Snuffbox, Threehorn Wartyback, Wavy-rayed Lampmussel Fish: Blackstripe Topminnow, Eastern Sand Darter, Grass Pickerel, Northern Madtom, Northern Sunfish, Pugnose Minnow, Pugnose Shiner, River Darter, Silver Lamprey, Spotted Sucker Snakes: Eastern Foxsnake, Eastern Hog-nosed Snake, Eastern Milksnake Turtles: Blanding’s Turtle, Midland Painted Turtle, Northern Map Turtle, Snapping Turtle, Spiny Softshell

The potential contamination from the proposed development could have devastating effects on these species, leading to irreversible damage to the local ecosystem.

Moreover, the agricultural significance of Dresden cannot be understated. The acquisition of properties for development encroaches upon prime agricultural land. Soil pollution resulting from the project poses a direct threat to the productivity of surrounding farmland, exacerbating the ongoing trend of agricultural degradation in the region.

Furthermore, the presence of thriving eagle populations in the area raises additional concerns. Studies have shown that airborne contaminants from landfills can adversely affect these birds' health. The proposed development's close proximity to potential food sources, such as landfills, increases the risk of exposure to harmful substances.

Additionally, new landfill legislation states that any new landfill must be 3.5km from a town, this is less than 1km. As the proposed project is vastly different than anything conducted there before it should have to be established as a new landfill and adhere to new standards.

There are two schools within the mandated 3.5km radius from the proposed site. The potential environmental impacts, including water and air quality, pose risks to the health and well-being of students and staff in these educational institutions.

Moreover, the project proposes the use of 700 trucks per day, which raises significant concerns regarding increased traffic hazards, road safety, and the environmental impact on every town they pass through. Furthermore, the presence of farm equipment in the area, combined with the large trucks hauling materials, amplifies the potential dangers and risks associated with the project.

Lastly, the long-term environmental degradation resulting from the project must be considered. Any disruption to the delicate balance of ecosystems and contamination of natural resources can have far-reaching consequences for public health, environmental sustainability, and biodiversity.

In conclusion, the urgency of conducting an environmental assessment for the proposed project in Dresden cannot be overstated. Failure to do so risks irreversible harm to the local ecosystem, agricultural lands, wildlife populations, public health, infrastructure, and biodiversity.

It is imperative to acknowledge the pressing need for environmental protection along the river, as underscored by the Ministry of Environment signs that line its banks, explicitly stating the necessity of safeguarding its delicate ecosystem. These signs serve as a poignant reminder of our collective responsibility to preserve and protect this vital natural resource for current and future generations. Any proposed project must heed these warnings and undergo thorough environmental assessment to ensure the integrity and sustainability of our environment.

I urge you to prioritize environmental protection and regulatory compliance by initiating a thorough full environmental assessment without delay.

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