Municipality of Port Hope - Certificate of property use

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Type d'acte: Certificate of property use

Numéro du REO
Type d'avis
Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990
Affiché par
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Étape de l'avis
Proposition affichée
Période de consultation
Du 3 juillet 2024 au 17 août 2024 (45 jours) Fermé
Dernière mise à jour

Cette consultation a eu lieu :

du 3 juillet 2024
au 17 août 2024

Résumé de la proposition

The ministry has accepted a risk assessment prepared for the owner, the Municipality of Port Hope, as part of their development plans for a property at 29 Thomas St, Port Hope. The director is considering issuing a Certificate of Property Use

Détails de l'emplacement

Adresse du site

29 Thomas Street
Port Hope, ON

Détails de l'emplacement du site

T 488-492 PL Smith Estate Port Hope; PT Ross St PL Stewart Port Hope
(Closed by BPH150) as in PH235; Port Hope;
Lane PL Stewart Port Hope Lying Btn Ross St & Gifford St E of PL9; Port Hope;
LT 8-15, 48-52, 54-62 PL 9 Port Hope; LT 486-487 PL Smith Estate Port Hope; Thomas St PL 9 Port Hope Closed By BPH121 Btn Strachan St & N Limit of LT 8 PL 9 Port Hope; PT LT 7 PL 9 Port Hope as in PH4746; PT Town PLot LT 66 PL Stewart Port Hope As In C9457 (Secondly), C9558 (Secondly), PH21779 & PT 4 9R1186 Except PT 1 9R1838 & PT 3 9R2250; S/T PH65738 & PH67343; Port Hope;
LT 53 PL 9 Port Hope; Port Hope; and
PT Town PLot LT 59 PL Stewart Port Hope.

being all of:

PIN: 51071-0170 (LT), PIN: 51071-0179 (LT), PIN: 51071-0260 (LT), PIN: 51071-0265 (LT), PIN: 51071-0263 (LT) and PIN: 51071-0267 (R)

Carte de l'emplacement du site

L'épingle de localisation correspond à la zone approximative où a lieu l’activité environnementale.

Afficher cet emplacement sur une carte opens link in a new window


Municipality of Port Hope
56 Queen Street
Port Hope, ON
L1A 3Z9

Détails de la proposition

A risk assessment was undertaken for the property at 29 Thomas St., Port Hope, Ontario to establish the risks that the contaminants identified in the risk assessment may pose to future users and to identify appropriate risk management measures to be implemented to ensure that the property is suitable for the intended use of "parkland" as defined by O. Reg. 153/04.

Based on the documents provided to the ministry as part of the risk assessment report, the reviewers can confirm that the risk assessment has been conducted in accordance with:

  • the Environmental Protection Act (the act)
  • Ontario Regulation 153/04 (the regulation)
  • the associated guidance documents

The risk assessment (8631-BZCGJ3) for 29 Thomas St., Port Hope, Ontario was accepted by the ministry on July 27, 2023.

The risk management measures required by the CPU include:

  • restrictions on the building construction
  • providing a surface cap where there are contaminants of concern
  • installation of a soil vapour mitigation system in any building constructed on the property
  • developing and implementing a soils management plan for any future activities that may involve contact with or exposing property soils that are contaminated with contaminants of concern
  • developing and implementing a health and safety plan for any future activities that may involve contact with or exposing property soils that are contaminated with contaminants of concern
  • not using the groundwater as a potable water supply

The CPU also requires that a certificate be registered on the property title and that before dealing with the property in any way, a copy of the CPU be given to any person who will acquire an interest in the property.

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La consultation est maintenant terminée.

La période de consultation a eu lieu du 3 juillet 2024
au 17 août 2024

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