Appeal of Ontario Graphite Ltd - Multiple orders
Détails de l’appel
Date Filed: 04/26/2019
Case Number: 19-009
Ontario Graphite Ltd.
2142 Forestry Tower Road
Post Office Box Delivery 138
Kearney, Ontario
P0A 1M0
Derek Hirsch, Director
2142 Forestry Tower Road
Post Office Box Delivery 138
Kearney, Ontario
P0A 1M0
Ellerton Castor, Director and Authorized Signing Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Administrative Officer
2142 Forestry Tower Road
Post Office Box Delivery 138
Kearney, Ontario
P0A 1M0
Tom Burkett, Chief Executive Officer
2142 Forestry Tower Road
Post Office Box Delivery 138
Kearney, Ontario
P0A 1M0
Decision under Appeal
The applicants are appealing certain portions of the latest amendment to the order including, but not limited to;
- The installation of permanent water level staff gauges that function for all water level scenarios
- Implement of a long-term water level monitoring program
- Obtain a sewage works approved by Environmental Compliance Approval No. 2876-B3AQTS by December 31, 2019.
Consult the Environmental Review Tribunal’s website for more information.
Documents justificatifs
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L’organe d’appel peut fournir davantage d’informations, notamment des dates et des lieux d’audience. Des informations supplémentaires sur le processus d'appel en vertu d'instruments peuvent être fournies par le ministère de l'Environnement, de la Conservation et des Parcs.Environmental Review Tribunal
Attention: The Secretary
655 Bay Street
Floor 15
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 1E5
(416) 212-6349
(866) 448-2248
About the Environmental Review Tribunal
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Environmental Bill of Rights Office
40 St. Clair Ave. West
12th Floor
Toronto, ON
M4V 1M2
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