Thank you for the…


Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO) postings regarding Bill 97, Helping Homebuyers and Protecting Tenants Act (the Bill). Please note that the following comments and recommendations are provided by Peel Region (Peel) staff and may be considered by Region of Peel Council for endorsement. If additional or differing comments are provided through a Council resolution, these comments will be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (the Ministry) for consideration.

Please also note that Peel will be providing separate comment responses on the ERO and Ontario Regulatory Registry postings related to tenant protection, residential rental demolition and conversion control provisions in the Bill and the Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Plan.

Extending Site Plan Control Authority for Residential Developments of 10 or Fewer Units

It is Peel’s understanding that the proposed Regulation will extend site plan control to include residential developments of 10 or fewer units on parcels of land within 120m of a shoreline and 300m of a railway line. Peel is supportive of this approach and recommends that the proposed Regulation also include site plan control for residential developments of 10 or fewer units on parcels of land subject to natural hazards to ensure that matters relating to public health and safety are addressed.

Peel staff recommend that the regulation for site plan control authority of residential developments of 10 or fewer lots be expanded to include lands subject to natural hazards.

Peel looks forward to continuing to work with the Province, local municipalities, and other stakeholders to meet Ontario’s housing needs. I would be pleased to provide any clarifications or additional comments on these matters.


Tara Buonpensiero, MCIP, RPP
Acting Chief Planner and Director of Planning & Development Services
905-791-7800, ext. 4455

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