To Whom It May Concern, The…


To Whom It May Concern,

The City of Brampton (hereinafter referred to as “the City”) appreciates the opportunity
to provide comments on the proposed changes outlined in the Environmental Registry
of Ontario posting 019-6822 – Site Plan for Residential Developments of 10 or Fewer
Units – Two Proposed new Minister’s Regulations under the Planning Act and the City
of Toronto Act, 2006.

The City is supportive of efforts by the Province to address housing supply and
development challenges, and remain committed to working with the Province towards
their ambitious goal of delivering more housing.

The City has reviewed the draft legislation and offer the following comment to assist the
Province. Site plan control provides a key opportunity for the City to ensure that the
design of new buildings integrates into the existing urban fabric and supports the
achievement of the planning goals and objectives of the community area. Site Plan also
plays a critical role for the City to promote sustainable design (e.g., use of Green
Development Standards) and enables the City to take a comprehensive approach to
planning and designing sustainable and complete communities.

The City appreciates the clarification provided in these proposed changes, specifically
parcels of land located within 300 metres of a railway line and 120 metres from a
shoreline. However, the City maintains the position that full site plan control should be

The City of Brampton would like to thank the Province for the opportunity to provide
feedback and comments on the proposed changes.

Steve Ganesh, MCIP, RPP
Planning, Building & Growth Management

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