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I support initiatives that reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, which are finite and contribute to global warming. However, nuclear energy is not a viable alternative, as there is no prospect in sight for a solution to the disposal of hazardous nuclear waste.

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December 10, 2016

Ministry of Energy

Environmental Bill of Rights Registration # 012-8840


Re: I want Ontario to go 100% renewable

To whom it may concern,

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As a mother of three children and a teacher to many more, I must stand up for removing fossil fuels from Ontario and Canada. We can already feel the changes caused by climate change - more heat waves and severe storms, flooding, droughts causing rises in food prices.

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It is imperative that Bruce Power remains an 8 unit Nuclear Power Facility. It is the cleanest, safest, and cheapest way to produce electricity in this Province.

The Lake Huron Fishing Club has almost 500 members and we expect our voices to be heard.

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Our next energy plan should set us on the path away from dirty nuclear and fossil fuels towards 100% renewables.

[Original Comment ID: 204786]

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I am dismayed by the government's slow movement on greening our economy.  We do not have the time to do any of this slowly, or to wait for public will to be more strongly in favour of what needs to be done.

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The survival of man on this planet depends on our ability to co exist with all other life forms here.  Renewable energy is the only way we will be able to survive in the future.

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I would like to go on record as a citizen of Ontario who would like significantly MORE action taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce waste, protect more green spaces, expand the Greenbelt, and make public transit more accessible.

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We need a clear plan to get us to 100% renewable energy as soon as possible. We need an intervention. We need to get off fossil fuels.

[Original Comment ID: 204792]

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Our climate is already changing, and the globe is feeling the effects of anthropogenic activities. We NEED to change our ways and shift to renewable energy. Let's make Ontario a leader and switch to 100% renewable energy NOW!

[Original Comment ID: 204793]

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Please put conservation first. To fight climate change and reduce our environmental footprint, I think Ontario’s next energy plan should make conservation and efficiency the first priority for all energy decisions.

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In a climate era, we must move towards a 100% renewable energy future, as Norway and Sweden are doing. The good news is that we can do it in Ontario too.

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We owe it to ourselves and our children to aim high and set a good example. Let's make Ontario a leader in recycling and renewable energy.

[Original Comment ID: 206340]

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I want Ontario (& all of Canada) to move towards clean energy. Our dependence on fossil fuels has wreaked havoc on our environment & the planet in general. Hopefully, it is not too late to make a difference & work towards a healthier planet.

[Original Comment ID: 206343]

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Changing to clean renewable energy will be costly. Not moving to clean renewable energy will be even more costly. I am financially struggling as it is but I truly believe we need to make the change for our children.

[Original Comment ID: 206344]

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