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This is insane. The clean water act and the green belt are part of what makes Southern Ontario so healthy. We must preserve our wild space, when we don't floods worsen, and the land removes us.

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I have a concern re the following paragraph: "Allow municipalities to permit the use (i.e., zone the lands) without having to strictly adhere to existing local requirements (e.g., official plan and zoning);" Lire davantage

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I am very concerned about any changes that may impact the current Greenbelt legislation. It is extremely important to maintain and conserve lands from development.

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This is a blatant disregard for good planning practices, and measured and thoughtful development that considers the long term. Consider adding more checks and balances to this application process. However it looks to me that this process aims to clear a way for quick and thoughtless development. Lire davantage

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These new motions are extremely unnerving. These bills will allow developers to easily build on protected land, next to sensitive waterways, and fill Ontario's greatest natural resource (our natural spaces) with industry and housing. Lire davantage

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The suggestion to remove the requirement for public consultation is unacceptable - to suggest that it could be done after passing a bylaw would be ineffective and not meaningful. Lire davantage

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please look after our environment......there is so much construction happening all around....where ever one turns, there is development going on...Green spaces are vanishing and concrete jungles are mushrooming....This insanity has to stop before we reach a point of no return...I am living with the Lire davantage

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I think this is a ridiculous idea that will ignore rules and laws for the benefit of money-hungry developers. It is a lazy way to build with no foresight or proper planning. Please do not consider passing this bill.

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Please repeal Bill 66. It would allow building anywhere without public consultation or appeal. This would be a disaster for natural areas, as it would allow natural spaces to be destroyed without anyone being able to do anything about it. Lire davantage

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I strongly appose this proposal. Ontario residents are fortunate to have this geeen space preserved for us and generations to enjoy. As Canadians, we love our great outdoors and as residents of Burlington, my family and I take full advantage of this green space, in our backyard. Lire davantage

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The Ontario Green Belt should NOT BE OPEN FOR BUSINESS! Shame on the Ontario PC Party for attempting to reduce environmental protections. Lire davantage

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Don't leave public consultation at the discretion of the municipality, I believe public consultation is super important, for my community more than every having recently dealt with the municipality. Lire davantage

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Don't leave public consultation at the discretion of the municipality, I believe public consultation is super important, for my community more than every having recently dealt with the municipality. Lire davantage

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Proposed business and economy-aiding legislation always seems to come at the cost of environmental protection. I am personally tired of seeing our natural spaces put at risk in the name of the almighty dollar. Lire davantage