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This proposal is an absolute disgrace. It ignores existing laws and policies that are intended to provide good guidance for municipal growth and development. There are numerous reasons why these laws and policies were put into place. Lire davantage

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Basically the proposals allow business to bulldoze over previously protected lands. A promise that during the election the Ford Government retracted. Lire davantage

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WE do not need Bill 66 Schedule 10 in Northumberland County. Our riding's biggest industry and employer is agriculture and our farmers' greatest fear is urban sprawl, be it residential or manufacturing. Lire davantage

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Toronto and Region Conservation Authority

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January 7, 2019 BY E-MAIL ONLY ( Mr. Ken Petersen Provincial Planning Policy Branch Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing 777 Bay St., 13th Floor Toronto, ON M5G 2E5 Dear Mr. Petersen: Re: Response to Request for Comments Lire davantage

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The bill should remove schedule 10 which allows municipalities to make changes to the following: Greenbelt act, Clean water act Lake Simcoe protection act Oak ridges moraine conservation act Great lakes protection act Lire davantage

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Cambridge Environmental Advisory Committee

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This letter was prepared by the Cambridge Environmental Advisory Committee in response to the concern over the proposal of Bill 66, Restoring Ontario’s Competiveness Act, 2018 and the negative environmental impacts that will result if Bill 66 is passed. Lire davantage

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I am a resident in the Region of Waterloo and I am concerned about the open for business planning by-law. I am in support of cutting red tape and stimulating business opportunities, however i am not in support of this at the expense of environmental protections and public consultation. Lire davantage

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This is so foolhardy and destructive. The province should provide protective oversight for its population & not leave issues like the impact of public health on development to municipalities whim. Public consult is also paramount. Municipalities shouldn't be allowed to bypass their constituents. Lire davantage

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The Province of Ontario’s proposed Bill 66 threatens our province's water quality and supply, agricultural and rural communities, natural ecosystems, and the continued smart growth of its urban cores. Lire davantage

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Please, no! As a Canadian I am very proud of and grateful for the natural environment we share. Nature must always remain priority over money! Lire davantage

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Please stop Bill 66. This smacks of a back-room deal that Doug Ford made with developer friends to take away environmental protections in favour of unrestricted development. Lire davantage

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Great bill , finally some common sense about development at the municipal level Long over due We can’t and don’t want to live in Toronto Thanks now pass the bill and make it happen Lire davantage

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“Allow public consultation at the discretion of the municipality, while requiring public notice after the by-law is passed (at a minimum);” Lire davantage

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I am not in support of any legislation that allows key environmental legislation to be bypassed in favour of development. It is short sighted and potentially places at risk our drinking water and natural public spaces. Lire davantage

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To the government of Ontario, I am a concerned voting citizen of Ontario, and I do not want to see the Greenbelt opened up for development. Lire davantage

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Do the provisions below allow municipalities to approve developments on sensitive protected areas like the Oak Ridges Moraine, with notification or consultation with local residents and organizations? Lire davantage