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City of Brantford

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January 17, 2019 Intergovernmental Policy Coordination Unit C/o Michael Helfinger 900 Bay Street, Hearst Block, 17th Floor Toronto, ON M6H 4L1 Dear Sir, Re: Comments from the City of Brantford: ERO posting 013-4125, 013-4239, and 013-4293 Lire davantage

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Farmland needs to be protected now more than ever. Please protect it. Local agriculture is exepreincing a renewal, we need the land to be protected for healthy local economies that include small and medium farms. Lire davantage

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I concur with the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) when they state that "Bill 66 represents an unprecedented and unacceptable attack on legislative provisions which currently safeguard environmetal quality and public health and safety throughout Ontario." Lire davantage

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I am strongly opposed to the open-for-business planning tool. It undermines the Official Plan process by allowing municipalities to go around it. Beyond that, it undermines the municipality's responsibility to its citizens by allowing them to forgo public consultation. Lire davantage

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Bill 66, specifically Schedules 5 and 10, jeopardizes quality of life for Ontarians, present and future. This Bill concerns me in many ways: Lire davantage

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This proposal will allow business to proceed with much fewer expectations to meet in the neighborhoods that would have to coexist with them. It is best understood as the proposal to do whatever is needed to make more profit at the expense of the existing population tool. Lire davantage

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Gravel Watch Ontario

Statut du commentaire

RE: 013-4293 Bill 66: Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2018; 013-4125 Proposed open-for-business planning tool; 013-4239 New Regulation under the Planning Act for open-for-business planning tool Lire davantage

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Region of Waterloo

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Please find attached the Region of Waterloo's report as it relates to the Amendments to the Planning Act proposed by Bill 66. The recommendations were approved by Regional Council on January 16, 2019. Recommendation: Lire davantage

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I am concerned that the Schedule 10 planning act revisions in Bill 66 pose a threat to our farmland and natural areas by permitting municipalites to approve development that bypasses the safeguards such as the Clean Water Act and the Greenbelt Act which have been created to protect our environment. Lire davantage

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I do not support Bill 66 and, in particular, Schedule 10. I am very concerned that Bill 66 will have negative consequences for the environment, drinking water, air and land pollution, farmland, human health, and democracy. Lire davantage

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Comments on Bill 66 - Proposed Open For Business Planning Tool Based on years of experience dealing with the shortcomings of an application to re-open an old toxic landfill in: • class one wetland • in Carolinian forest Lire davantage

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The rules and regulations that protect Ontarians and their future is not red tape. They are the result of years of experience, science and research, and policy reform. This does not mean that all Ontarians and especially developers will agree with them, but they exist for a reason. Lire davantage

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While I voted for you and much of the platform that the PC party presented last year, I am concerned with details that I have been reading about Bill 66. Lire davantage

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I have grave concerns about Schedule 10 and quest it is abandoned or withdrawn. It is outrageous that no public notice is required by a municipality before passing an open for business planning bylaw, which I will call it OFB, nor is it open for public input or subject to appeal. Lire davantage

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Breaking the promise not to open up the Greenbelt, Lake Simcoe Watershed, the Oak Ridges Moraine and source water protection areas to new development shows a fundamental disrespect to voters. Lire davantage

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City of Burlington

Statut du commentaire

City of Burlington staff does not support the creation of an open-for-business planning tool as proposed, for the following reasons: Lire davantage