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I believe that this bill will be extremely detrimental to not only the health of our environment, but also to the economic future of this province. We all know by now that the future will not be one in which poor environmental practices are sustainable or the most profitable option. Lire davantage

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I am extremely concerned that this Act would let municipalities bypass major water-protection acts (the Clean Water Act, Great Lakes Protection Act, and Lake Simcoe Proctection Plan Act) and recent solid-waste-management law (2016’s Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act) Lire davantage

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If you simply think of the first order consequences, generally you’d probably prefer more housing regulation than less. However, as it becomes increasingly difficult and expensive for builders to conform to, it reduces the supply of housing and therefore increases the cost of rents.

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Why are you doing this bill? Premier Ford was elected on a promise to NOT do. Protect our greenbelt for the future use of our children in a safe way.

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It seems to me the role of government in our society is to regulate the excesses of Corporations and wealthy speculators making obscene profits on the backs of individuals; be they employees or simply citizens in our society. Lire davantage

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The Planning Aspect of this Bill is dangerous. We need environmental protect - that's why we need legislation to control development.

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This is horrendous. We must protect our Greenbelt for our health and the health of our children and future generations.

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I am writing to you to ask that you keep your promise to protect the Greenbelt and therefore call back legislature and introduce a new Bill 66 that stops the attacks on the Greenbelt, Oak Ridges Moraine, Lake Simcoe, Source Water Protection Areas and other important protected farm and natural areas Lire davantage

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There are more than enough employment lands available in Ontario without the need to impact the greenbelt. Now as taxpayers we are paying the cost of amending this Act, the cost of dealing with legal challenges to the amendment, and the municipal costs of dealing with new applications. Lire davantage

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Please do not proceed with Bill 66, it is wrong is so many ways - from the lack of public input required, the lack of public meetings, the lack of recourse or ability to appeal - it flies against all that we value as good governance in a democracy. Lire davantage

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Bill 66 is a serious threat to Waterloo Region’s water quality and supply, agricultural and rural communities, natural ecosystems, and the continued smart growth of its urban cores. Please stop Bill 66.

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STOP BILL 66! The Clean Water Act, the Ontario Greenbelt Act, the Great Lakes Protection Act, the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, the Oak-ridges Moraine Act were all passed to protect us. Protect our drinking water, our green space, our resources, our health and our future. Lire davantage

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I am deeply concerned that our provincial government would pass this bill, opening the way for business development to supersede our safety in terms of clean water and our agricultural land to be paved over in the name of progress. Lire davantage

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This regulation seems designed to allow for improper political influence to support the development industry. This regulation does not define: (1) How it will be determined how many jobs will be created and what happens if the foretasted job growth does not occur. Lire davantage

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Do not govern for money or business. We hired you to govern for us and part of that is keeping our water safe. Our environment needs help! Help us! Lire davantage

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I completely oppose the planning exemptions under Bill 66 because it does not require notification or consultation with residents.These proposal changes go against Government political of being for the people. These changes fly in the face of good governance. Lire davantage

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As a resident of Kitchener I have a grave concern regarding Bill 66 - I have a sister who lives in the Walkerton area and was working at the Walkerton Hospital during the E.coli outbreak so I know from her the seriousness of having and keeping a "Clean Water Act" Lire davantage

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I am concerned that our federal and provincial governments in Canada are not looking at the big picture. Scientific evidence shows that climate change IS affecting our world in a very negative way and we are not doing enough to allow some healing. Lire davantage