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I have real concerns re: the Provincial Policy Statement. I feel strongly that we should be building up, not out. Here are my reasons: Lire davantage

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These reactions we put in place for good reason! They can develop, but who on earth would want to live there. Lire davantage

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Could you please STOP building on prime agricultural land. Stop considering it. There is plenty of land for housing, lots of room for infilling, building higher, and building family sized 3 bedroom condos. Sincerely, Clayton Lire davantage

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Uncontrolled severances very negatively effect the ability for livestock farming due both the MDS requirements (barns are not able to be built) and rural non-farm related residents out voting farmers wrt normal farming practices. Lire davantage

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There are several proposed changes to the PPS that are very short-sighted and unsustainable, but the most egregious is the proposal to permit three severances on each farm throughout the province. Lire davantage

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As a lifetime rural person I hate seeing huge swathes of premium farmland swallowed whole. But I also believe that no one knows better than the farmer what is good for the land and good for their family. Lire davantage

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ERO #019-6813 – Review of proposed policies adapted from A Place to Grow and PPS to form a new provincial planning policy instrument. Premier Doug Ford, Minister Clark, Minister Thompson, other Cabinet Members, MPPs and Staff, Lire davantage

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Hi. I'm a permanent resident here. I love Toronto, however the renting culture here is crazy; I live in an old condo here, the landlord already got 1 year prepay rent, and after telling me she is ok to let me continue living here, she immediately sent me an N12 and she will move in for a year. Lire davantage

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Smart Growth Waterloo Region

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Honourable Steve Clark and our Provincial government, Lire davantage

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I do not support destroying the green belt. Look at the wildfires, let’s not encourage that.

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Municipality of East Ferris

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Dear Minister Clark, On behalf of the Municipality of East Ferris, we acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 6, 2023, regarding the Provincial Planning Statement. We are pleased to hear that the government is committed to addressing the housing supply problem in Ontario. Lire davantage

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I stand with the Ontario farmers in their detailed opposition to the proposed changes with respect to severance of farmland. We do not benefit from building or development of farmland. Food security is important. Lire davantage

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I do support the opportunity for rural land consents in the prime agricultural zone. I feel as long a mds can be achieved, there are many places in the agricultural zone where infilling of lands can create housing without any detrimental effect on agriculture. Lire davantage

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Long Point Region Conservation Authority

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Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA) offers the following responses to the consultation questions provided by the MMAH on the Environmental Registry proposal. Lire davantage

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Prince Edward County Field Naturalists

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1. Lot creation and multi-lot residential development in rural areas re section 2.6 Prince Edward County Field Naturalists (PECFN) Recommendations re#1: Lire davantage

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RE: Intensification, Municipal Comprehensive Review, and Settlement Area Expansion, ERO #019-6813 for review of proposed policies adapted from A Place to Grow and Provincial Policy Statement to form a new provincial planning policy instrument Dear Minister Clark, Lire davantage

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Allowing 3 severances on every farm property is incredibly dumb. Past experience shows these houses eventually end up being sold to non farmers. Lire davantage

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Keep the Greenbelt intact, protect Ontario’s local food system, and promote intensification.

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Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition

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From Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition xxxx June 6, 2023 Dear Provincial Land Use Plans staff, RE: ERO 019-6813 Review of proposed policies adapted from A Place to Grow and Provincial Policy Statement to form a new provincial planning policy instrument Lire davantage