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Recently, my husband and I have been looking into the possibility of buying property to build a new home. We are looking to start our family, are we are quickly outgrowing our small ranch. More space is a must as we look to growing our family. Lire davantage

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I am writing today asking that the provincial government continue to fight for the ability to sever more “agricultural” deemed land throughout the province. Lire davantage

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This proposed residential development has no infrastructure to support it. It also has the potential to disrupt the surrounding communities. Nothing more than a money grab by developer as they don’t care about the aftermath just the money. Kill this now Lire davantage

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A change to the proposed policy 3.4.2 respecting Airports, NEF/NEP contours, and the prohibition of sensitive/residential uses is required to ensure that the existing and proposed 30 NEF/NEP contour is followed and respected. Lire davantage

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Two aspects to this - the development of lands identified as Greenbelt should NOT be developed. No one has ever explained why anyone would have purchased land identified as Greenbelt knowing it could NOT be developed. Lire davantage

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I fully support the Province of Ontario adopting a more aggressive growth policy specifically in the area of Growth management, housing and Infrastructure planning, including sewage, water and stormwater management services, transportation, transit, energy supply and corridor protection; Lire davantage

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I see no reason to believe the development of this “policy instrument” will be used to advance the needs of the public in Ontario. Lire davantage

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To whom it may concern (ie: all of the farmers in Ontario) we have a housing crisis in the province that is particularly damaging to the next generation of farm owners. They cannot live and work on the farms they are looking to take over. Lire davantage

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City of Ottawa

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Please find attached the City of Ottawa's submission in response to the proposed Provincial Planning Statement 2023. Lire davantage

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The Planning Act includes twenty (20) matters of "Provincial Interest", a provincial policy document is supposed to provide policy to balance all of these interests. Lire davantage

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it is just a matter of time before cultured food is here, and is approved for consumption in the us and canada. let the farmers sever there lots off. We need housing for the next generation as there will be no need for large areas of bare land for cows pigs and chickens. Lire davantage

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You are literally killing any chance young people have at a future! Lire davantage

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We need the ability to sever as many lots as we can from our farmland. Severing land can also provide opportunities for individuals to own their own piece of property, which can be a source of pride and stability for families and communities. Lire davantage

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We need to help our kids trying to become farmers. They're facing so many obstacle taking over family run farms and living on the farm shouldnt be one of them. We need looser severance laws so our kids can build and own houses to raise their families and live and work on the farm. Lire davantage

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Perth County Federation of Agriculture

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Re: ERO 019-6813 - Review of proposed policies adapted from A Place to Grow and Provincial Policy Statement to form a new provincial planning policy instrument. Lire davantage

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The Provincial government has removed the need for quality green space and local schools to support development, reduced the funding for municipal roads and sewer infrastructure, eliminated City Planning providing their comments and insights on a development to the community prior to any community Lire davantage

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Building sprawling bedroom communities 1950-1970 style no longer works. It is too costly, it takes up too much land, extends commuting time, which pollutes the environment and puts stress on people. Lire davantage

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Taking away our invaluable farmland and natural areas is unconscionable!! We have to protect all land outside of urban settings, whether farm, forest, parkland or other!! Cities are big enough and we need to start building up on empty lots within city limits! Lire davantage