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I give a hoot. I also care about the corruption and poor decisions. You people are a disgrace an embarrassment to any fiscal conservative, selfish greedy swine. You've squandered more money than the previous liberal government who you blame for all your mistakes. Lire davantage

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The return of the greenbelt land back to a protected status is the bare minimum for this body that has (unfortunately) come to power as the provincial government. Lire davantage

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Turns out people do actually give a hoot about the Greenbelt, the environment, and the planet. They also give a hoot about unchecked governmental corruption. We give a hoot about the decision to turn the public land of Ontario Place over to private interests. Lire davantage

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Good reversal to something that should have never happened in the first place!

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I give 2 hoots! Yes I support this and would like to see it become law! No more removing land from our greenbelt/watershed. Lire davantage

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It is hugely important to keep our Greenbelt! It is some of the most important farming land in our country. It's home to so many good things, and I'm so grateful that it's easy to reach from the city. We have soooo much space to expand without taking anything from the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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I don't believe the government should expand the into the greenbelt without first making plans to increase density in urban centers with adequate amenities

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Give the greenbelt land back, Doug. No more sweetheart deals for developers.

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I am very much in favour of returning all the Greenbelt lands that were removed and also for the following: - legislating that the 10 year Greenbelt Reviews can only add lands to the Greenbelt with no land removals or land swaps, - ensure meaningful First Nations consultation, Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my support in principle for Bill 136 (Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023) and request that the following amendments be included in the final version of the legislation. Lire davantage

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Tell Doug Ford I give more than two hoots about the greenbelt reversal that crook tried to steal our public land and should have resigned in disgrace but that seems to be a thing con artist Conservatives don't do anymore so we'll vote you all out.

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Thank you for this proposal! I give a "hoot" about the greenbelt land remaining green, as do most Ontarians.

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I would like to inform Premier Ford that my family and I do, in fact, give many more than two hoots about the Greenbelt Reversal Bill! In this era of climate change it is of paramount importance that we maintain the few green spaces we have remaining. Lire davantage

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RE: 019-7739 - In 2005 when we purchased part of 256 Book Road West, the Greenbelt was established, the lands on Book Road, Ancaster, were not included in Greenbelt and remained as whitebelt. Lire davantage

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Yes! Return the parcels of land to the protected Greenbelt immediately! There's enough space to put housing elsewhere, the Greenbelt is important to reduce flooding, provide habitat for animals and insects, clean the air, slow down big storms, give us humans access to nature, etc etc etc etc. Lire davantage

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Conveys our opposition the ERO 019-7739 'Proposal to return lands to the Greenbelt - Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023'. We would like to appeal the decision to make an accommodation for the identified Subject Lands to be removed from the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Contrary to Mr. Ford's beliefs, I give very many "hoots" about the corruption involved in the Greenbelt scandal. All the wasted time, energy, money, and resources wasted on denying and then downplaying the outright favouritism and illegal activities shocks and saddens me. Lire davantage

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Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority

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Please see the attached commentary from the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. Lire davantage

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The land should be re designated, the process wasn’t above board and the green space is more important than a new highway