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Amendments Required to Fully Return the Protections the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve had in 2022l Lire davantage

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Please refer to the attached correspondence from Quinto M. Annibale submitted on behalf of Green Lane Bathurst GP Inc. Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my support in principle for Bill 136 (Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023) and request that the following amendments be included in the final version of the legislation. Lire davantage

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I live in the town of Grimsby that our town council has submitted a request to free up a greenbelt property that was released and then turned back to greenbelt property recently that the town council is now asking the province to reverse so the town can develop this land. Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my support in principle for Bill 136 (Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023) and request that the following amendments be included in the final version of the legislation. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt amd all that is natural including wetlands, wetland complexes, forests and old growth areas should not be touched. Lire davantage

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this entire process of the book rd lands being put into the Greenbelt when they never should have been put in to begin with has been disheartening to watch. Not sure how it is even acceptable that they were changed from white belt to greenbelt without a discussion? Lire davantage

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Niagara Falls Nature Club

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Bill 136 Greenbelt Statute Amendment Act 2023 Lire davantage

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Releasing good table land in the Greenbelt away from any ESP areas should be Permitted as long as the lands are in the urban boundary which would create More housing quickly. It’s the Canadian dream to have a home. Not everyone Lire davantage

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Loopholes in the proposed legislation put the Greenbelt at risk. Lire davantage

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I wish for the Ontario government to protect the Greenbelt by implementing the Greenbelt Statute Act 2023. The Greenbelt needs to be protected for future generations. Lire davantage

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I propose that Ontario government enact the Greenbelt Statute Law 2023 and also ensure the following; - legislating that the 10 year Greenbelt Reviews can only add lands to the Greenbelt with no land removals or land swaps, - ensure meaningful First Nations consultation, Lire davantage

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Submission on ERO 019-7739: Proposal to Return Lands to the Greenbelt – Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 Lire davantage

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Strengthening the Greenbelt is a vital and positive step toward environmental sustainability and mitigation of climate change impacts. To keep the Greenbelt safe this legislation can be strengthened by including regulations: a) which allow this or any future government to expand the Greenbelt, Lire davantage

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This is absolutely the right thing to do....corruption is not allowable in our society and thus it is unacceptable that Rob Ford's government changed the boundaries of the Greenbelt for the fraudulent purpose of benefitting his friends' and supporters' pockets.

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I live on Shaver Road in Ancaster. I do not believe that the lands that were not in the Greenbelt then were put in the Greenbelt then were removed from the Greenbelt should be put back into the Greenbelt. Lire davantage