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The Greenbelt has been incredibly useful for myself as I walk along the paths to restore my mental health. Lire davantage

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Thank you for returning the lands to the Greenbelt. I approve of this decision.

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Fully support any actions to protect the Greenbelt. Responsible development should focus on densification and not continued sprawl. Thanks to whomever remembered future generations.

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I support this proposal to restore the land removed from the Greenbelt. Ontario's greenbelt is an important biosphere which enhances all human and more-than-human life not just within the greenbelt area but all of Ontario and beyond. Lire davantage

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we need to protect the greenbelt at all costs. adding more greenspace that is fully protected is so necessary in this day and age.

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Introduce legislation to restore the 15 parcels of land that were redesignated or removed from the Greenbelt in late 2022. Pass the Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023, ASAP. Lire davantage

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As I look at all of this, it appears to be a taking of rights from private property owners. Reference to SCC Lynch and Annapolis spell it out clearly. It is a defacto expropriation of private property. Lire davantage

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As th Greenbelt is an encroachment on the the uses to which land is put, and therefore reduces the value of the land, it is an effective "taking" by government. Such actions have been deemed in court trials to have a costly effect, which the taker must compensate. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt was introduced by then Premier Dalton McGuinty. Illegally in my opinion! Those who were affected were not given a choice. Nor were they compensated. It is an illegal taking of land. I believe Premier Ford is aware of the history because he called the Greenbelt a 'scam'. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt designation was ONLY placed on private property. It must be lifted as this is illegal due to the fact that no permission was given nor any compensation. This is excessive government action on private property also a constructive taking of private property. Lire davantage

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In a time of evident climate change, it is more important than ever to protect whatever is left of our natural environment. The further distraction of that natural habitat will only speed up the climate disaster. Let's protect the Greenbelt and add as much to it as possible.

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I am in complete agreement with returning all lands to the green belt. The green belt should never be shrunk but if anything should be expanded. We need more rental units, not monster homes, and theses rental units should be built within existing urban boundaries through intensification. Lire davantage

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It has been more than obvious that the Ford Government and Ford himself, have used his office to create more wealth for himself and his friends. This includes taking greenbelt land and selling it to those who have the money and power to flip it for even more profit . Lire davantage

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Nothing more to say other than we must preserve and restore our natural spaces. Our finite resources are not worth losing over infinite/human concept money. If you disagree, you are mentally unfit to be in government. Lire davantage

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Re: ERO 019-7739 Thank you for returning the lands back to the greenbelt. You are making Ontario residents aware that housing programs are being run by developers who clearly turn a blind eye to the global environmental crisis. I’m worried you’ll continue to kowtow to their demands. Lire davantage