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I support the proposal to return the lands to the Greenbelt. They should never have been designated for removal in the first place.

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at a time when this planet is radically changing & destroying lands filled with forests that allow our ecosystem to take hold thus intensifying support for our environment we have changed the biodiversity to the point that invertebrates are disappearing simply because their is no compass to follow a Lire davantage

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Yes I agree that all these lands should be returned to the Greenbelt for good

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The Conservative government cannot be trusted, so we need to keep on top of this issue.

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Please do this as quickly as possible to prevent the unscrupulous people from trying to exploit.

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I support wholeheartedly, the return of ALL lands to Ontario’s Greenbelt. The services provided by the Greenbelt are well documented. Affordable housing is vital for current & new Canadians, but research shows that building on the Greenbelt is not necessary to accommodate a growing population. Lire davantage

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Yes I fully support returning those areas back into the Greenbelt and I also support permanent protection of the Ontario greenbelt as well.

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I am writing to express my support in principle for Bill 136 (Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023) and request that the following amendments be included in the final version of the legislation. Lire davantage

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Not only should the lands be returned to the Greenbelt but new legislation should clearly ensure no development of any kind should occur in these lands in perpetuity. There should be language that leaves no doubt as to the protection Lire davantage

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Just get this done....AND STOP ALL DESTRUCTION OF OUR NATURAL HERITAGE AND WATER RESOURCE SYSTEMS....get with the 21st century can any government put us all at risk to climate change impacts by developing the very NATURAL ASSETS THAT mitigate climate change impacts. Lire davantage

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I want to see the Greenbelt permanently protected and the only change that should be made to it is including more permanently protected farmland and natural areas. It's that simple. I urge you to listen to the people. Thank you! Lire davantage

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Put the land back in the Greenbelt and stop violating treaties! Also, stop spending taxpayers' money on radio ads to lie to the public! This was not and never will be the solution to the housing crisis.

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Having been promised several times that the Greenbelt would be protected from development, and then having those promises broken, it is clear that stronger protection of the Greenbelt is required. This proposed legislation is a step in that direction. Lire davantage

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almost nothing is more important in this province, than to protect our greenspaces. our whole future depends on preserving nature. that simple

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I am writing to express my support in principle for the Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 and request that the following amendments be included in the final version of the legislation. Lire davantage

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Like thousands of other Ontario citizens, I commend and am thankful for the provisions in this amendment to return the fifteen parcels of land, 7400 acres, to the Greenbelt and restore its boundaries. Lire davantage

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I support the basic idea of PERMANTLY protecting the GreenBelt in Bill 136, but with the following amendments to prevent loop holes that can damage the GreenBelt as originally planned - to protect agricultural and environmentally sensitive lands in the Greater Golden Horseshoe area from developmen Lire davantage

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I strongly support re-instatement of ALL Greenbelt lands removed by the current Conservative government. I support broad public consultation and approval before any changes are made to diminish the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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We are counsel to Minotar Holdings Inc. (“Minotar”), the owner of property referred to as “Site 11” in the Auditor General of Ontario’s Special Report on Changes to the Greenbelt, and as the “Minotar” property in the August 30, 2023 report of the Ontario Integrity Commissioner. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt lands must be protected as was promised but we need a policy that ensures that our wetlands, farmland and other green spaces which clean our water and air and support wildlife are protected for future generations. Lire davantage