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This is a bad municipal decision built upon a bad provincial decision. Once again, this smells like it benefits developers rather than the citizens of Ontario and the staff of the Town of Grimsby look like they're not interested in what their taxpayers think. Lire davantage

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Ontarions want full protection for the Greenbelt. This protection must be permanent. In addition, Ontarions also want to see the following actions: 1) legislate that the 10 year Greenbelt Reviews can only add lands to the Greenbelt with no land removals or land swaps, Lire davantage

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I think it is essential that all the land taken out of the Greenbelt (under Premier Doug Ford) be immediately returned to the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt lands should be returned to the greenbelt and all protections previous to 2022 restored. The health of our Province's food supply and healthy ecosystems depends on a strong greenbelt to prevent unchecked urban sprawl.

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I do not support the staff report supporting the two properties are not returned to the greenbelt but allowed to be developed. Keep the boundaries firm. Do not allow politics especially the short sighted town of Grimsby to redraw boundaries. Keep the greenbelt as is.

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This terrible every development is high density and is ruining the flavour and small town. It is what has drawn people to the area and it is going to be ruined!

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All land that was in the greenbelt prior to Doug Ford's re-election should absolutely be put back in the greenbelt and protected forever.

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I am a fourth generation resident of the Town of Grimsby. I feel compelled to express my disappointment with the Town of Grimsby Council's plan to recommend the removal of the Cline and Winston Road lands from Greenbelt protection to "open up land for development". Lire davantage

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Not only legislation to give back the stolen public properties, to enhance all protected lands to illegal to sell by any political party . No one on this planet can buy or sell protected lands. Lire davantage

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November 19, 2023 Hello Premier Doug Ford, Why is our farm so popular, it seems that a lot of people want to have a say about our property and will not except the opinion of the people living on the actual property? We do support the decision to put our land back in the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Reverse boundary changes to prohibit and reduction in protected lands. Create legislation that would make this impossible to try again and prevent the wasted time and resources that would include. Make it so it is a non option ever!!

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I support the proposed full return of lands to the Greenbelt Area. Lire davantage

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These lands must be returned to the Greenbelt and it must be protected so that this kind of corruption does not happen again. Wetlands, watersheds, prime farmland, habitat, and natural heritage need stronger protection! Lire davantage

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I think the Greenbelt itself is a complete sham and waste of time. If the population is to keep growing by bringing in immigrants as politicians want, then they have to build houses somewhere. That can not be achieved with just simply densification. Lire davantage

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Everyone was so concerned about Doug FORD taking out over 7000 acres from the Greenbelt and some developers making over $8 billion as a result. Lire davantage

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It's time we start taking crimes by politicians seriously, and serve the people. This is just one of the many pushbacks by the government to weaken the Canadian system. Lire davantage

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This is me giving a hoot about the greenbelt! 🦉HOOT!🦉 HOOT!🦉HOOT!🦉HOOT!🦉 Lire davantage

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Return ALL the land back to the greenbelt and stop with the near-open corruption!