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I give a lot more than "two hoots" about the legislation to restore the greenbelt and if DoFo thinks the people of Ontario don't care then he is will fully ignorant (but of course he is). Restore the greenbelt and resign Doug. Lire davantage

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Hey Doug Ford, finally doing something for the people instead of thinking just about yourself or your friends to make more money? About time. You need some serious self-reflection to become a better human being.

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All land that was removed from the Greenbelt should be returned. They never should have been touched in the first place. Shameful. We need answers for our housing that provides real solutions at all price points. Removing land from the greenbelt was never the answer.

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Removing land from the Greenbelt was a bonehead move, and putting the land back is the right thing to do. To the members of the government, yes, I give two hoots about the issue and hope you do not think you deserve applause for fixing a wrong of your own making

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This is a good step in the government making right their mistake of making back room deals to sell off land that should never have been touched in the first place. Lire davantage

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As a citizen of Ontario I greatly agree with measures to return lands to the greenbelt and care deeply that these lands are protected for future generations. Hoot. Hoot.

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Slow clap for the absolute minimum possible effort this incompetent and obviously corrupt government can do to protect Ontario’s greenbelt at a time when global temperatures are causing wildfires nationally and global temperatures have already risen above 1.5C for the month of October 2023. Lire davantage

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I am furious with doug ford and the conservatives for what they tried to do with the greenbelt and what they are continuing to do with Healthcare and ontario place. If there was any chance i would ever vote for a ontario conservative party that chance has disappeared. Lire davantage

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I give two hoots about the greenbelt. Doug Ford's treatment of the greenbelt is shameful. Please allow the greenbelt to be the greenbelt. The housing issue is simple, allow and encourage remote work. Allow people to spread out across the land instead of dense cities.

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Green spaces are vital for essential ecosystems and wildlife! Developments can be relocated, habitats cannot be recreated once they become compacted or paved over.

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Absolutely agree with returning the lands to the greenbelt and passing laws ensuring this cannot happen again.

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Saving our green belt is one of the most important things we can do in Ontario. We need to keep and preserve any area of nature we can. Ontario cares. Do not take away from the green belt. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford says public ‘don’t give two hoots’ about Greenbelt reversal bill This headline made me come to comment on this bill. I strongly, strongly support it and any future bills that show this governments commitment to the environment and protecting the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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This legislation should not be needed as the original legislation it is repealing should never have been introduced in the first place. I am in support of restoring the Greenbelt lands! Lire davantage

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As a property owner and tech worker in Ontario, the greenbelt and access to what little nature we have is important to keeping me rooted here. Lire davantage

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Strongly support the reversal of the late 2022 decision by the Ford government to sell off parcels of the green belt to developers with little transparency or public consultation. Lire davantage

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I am a resident of ottawa for the last 5 years, the return of the lands removed from the greenbelt is a moral most, both for the protection of greenspace to avoid the encroachment of cheap suburbs, as well to limit the influence of the sheer corruption of the Ford Government. Lire davantage