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The Greenbelt never should have been for sale and these lands and delicate habitat need to be protected. Thoughtless sprawl is the not answer to the housing crisis facing Ontarians. It does nothing but put money into the pockets of a few and steal access to nature for generations to come. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford is a con man and should be in jail over the Green Belt and Ontario place scandals.

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Contrary to the comments made by Premier Ford, I do "give two hoots". The Greenbelt is a key environmental area and one of Ontario's greatest treasures. Lire davantage

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This is not enough. Bring back class enviromental assessments. Make it very clear that you will not touch our protected lands, especially agriculture. Include Ontaio place in these protections. Why are we paving over our park waterfront? Lire davantage

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Doug Ford is a corrupt grifter. The process in which lands have been removed is shameful and he should go to JAIL. For him to say no one gives two hoots about this, for him to say the greenbelt is a scam, no sir the only scam is his PC government. I want the greenbelt protected. Lire davantage

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I fully and strongly support returning the 15 parcels of land to the Greenbelt. The current government should not have removed the parcels from the protected land in the first place. The environment is delicate and needs to be protected not exploited for profit.

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Commenting to let Doug Ford that many hoots are given in our neighborhood about his corrupt handling of our green belt. Those hoots will definitely show up at election time if he isn’t in jail by then.

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The land needs to be returned and remain under the Acts that protect and conserve it.

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Glad this is being done but what an atrocious waste of money. People elected a conservative government to cut waste and corruption but instead got one of the most wasteful and corrupt governments ever seen in this country. Lire davantage

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I give a hoot and want this land restored. I give a hoot about that RCMP investigation into Doug Ford. Doug Ford knew about the green belt and is pretending not to. He invited the shareholders to his daughters wedding. I give all the hoots. Restore the land! Lire davantage

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We give a hoot Doug! It's only you that doesn't. Leave the greenbelt alone. How many times do we have to say it? Lire davantage

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I live in this area and my daughter attends the school in this boundary. This green belt land needs to stay protected and not used for housing. This area of Grimsby is still largely an agricultural area with rich, fertile land. It is home to many animals. Lire davantage

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Doug ford thinks no one gives two hoots about the greenbelt. Looks like a lot of hoots that I can see. Lire davantage

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This is a great first step however it must also include a full investigation and release of all communications regarding the original legislation. It’s not enough that the cookies were returned to the jar those that took them in the first place must be held to account. Lire davantage

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The land in question must be returned to the protection of the green belt. It should never have been removed. * This land is too valuable to our ecosystem and also includes valuable agricultural land. * It has been protected for good reason and should remain so. Lire davantage

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How about, instead of messing with the greenbelt, environment, and nature; you start improving human quality through education and healthcare funding, so we can all grow up healthy and smart.

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Keep the green belt as it was before all of this "selling it off" nonsense.

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Leave the green belt alone! The wildlife depends on the undeveloped lands for their homes, and we need farm lands kept for growing our food. Build up and not out. There is no need for building single detached homes on the green belt that will be unaffordable for the majority of people anyway.

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ALL sections of the Greenbelt MUST be returned to Greenbelt protected status and any proposed development of the areas immediately cancelled.

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The Greenbelt should have MUCH MORE protection -- stronger, more permanent, with greater scope (allowing even less damage to be done by Man) and increased penalties (and vigorous enforcement) for any infractions. More of Ontario's green spaces should be protected in a similar fashion. Lire davantage