It is our understanding that…


It is our understanding that the overall policy direction in the new Provincial Policy Statement supports the implementation and the timely construction of housing in transit-supportive developments to meet the needs of growing population and improve transit ridership. Further, the the new PPS direction supports the Province’s Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) Program objectives.
The overbuild development of the Leaside Station (1779-1787 Bayview Avenue) with a 35- storey mixed use building containing 415 dwellings units (of which 13 are rental replacement units) with a total Gross Floor Area of 30,000 square metres, resulting in a density of 9.5 FSI is supportive of the TOC program and new Provincial Policy Statement direction for transit-supportive development. In our opinion, the proposed development would be an appropriate candidate for a Ministerial Zoning Order (MZO), in support of the new Provincial Policy Statement. A draft MZO has been attached for consideration by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing under this ERO posting.

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