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Despite Doug Ford's comments, I give more than two hoots. I give several hoots. Mr. Ford does not speak foe me. He is out of touch with the people of Ontario. Lire davantage

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On behalf of Grimsby Environmental Network I ask you to Please return ALL lands back to the Greenbelt and that includes lands in Grimsby. Citizens have come together with a Loud & Strong message we want our Greenbelt land protected. Lire davantage

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This bill is incredibly important - I, and many others, “give a hoot” despite what Doug Ford might suggest otherwise. Return the 15 parcels, and then we the people demand Doug Ford resign in disgrace. Lire davantage

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I care a great deal many hoots about the Greenbelt, Mr. Ford. I also care about shady deals made by your government, it’s blatant cronyism and Stag & Doe parties for your children filled with your developer friends paying tribute. Lire davantage

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Like many people in Ontario, I fully support the return of land to the Greenbelt. I would take it a step further and request that every ERO posting associated with Bill 23 be reviewed. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford I give a hoot about the Greenbelt, the air I breathe, biodiversity, and habitat for wildlife. + We are supposed to be stewards of this earth! Lire davantage

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I want to see the Greenbelt permanently protected! I was very disappointed to see all the mega house being built on Grimsby Mountain Road that was previously Greenbelt land! Lire davantage

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I believe the following modifications are required to draft Bill 136 (Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023) for the permanent protection of the Greenbelt: Lire davantage

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This member of the public gives many hoots about the greenbelt land being restored. It was criminal that it was removed in the first place. Lire davantage

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We care about the greenbelt! We want it fully protected IN PERPETUITY so this fiasco can NEVER happen again!

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The Greenbelt Lands must be protected from any and all development. These lands must remain wild and free for the next 200 years at least.

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When the greenbelt was initially established, I thought 'wow, what incredible foresight to protect land for our future generations to enjoy!' When it was threatened by the Ford goevernment and developers, I was devestated. Lire davantage

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We do need to hear from the public, as Doug Ford arrogantly indicated by saying "The public doesn't give two hoots" about the Ontario Greenbelt, and maybe he thinks, or maybe he hopes, that taxpayers will forget his government's administration, Greenbelt scandal. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is a fiasco that should never have been created. A rapidly growing city like Toronto cannot be hemmed in artificially. It has resulted in leapfrogging, into Simcoe county as an example, exacerbating urban sprawl. Lire davantage

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Regarding Map 9 otherwise known as the Book Road area Ancaster (now Hamilton) Several comments come to mind. 1/ This area was NOT in the original greenbelt plan and was placed into the Greenbelt without consultation and possibly for disingenuous reasons by the local councilor. Lire davantage

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Please restore all land to the greenbelt, including those slated to be used by the highway 413 and Bradford bypass. Protect our farmland, envirinment and waterways . Ontario, yours to protect Lire davantage

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Hello, I absolutely believe that the land should be restored to the Greenbelt. Also a quick note to Dougie- I absolutely "give a hoot". Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt needs to be permanently protected. Return all the lands. Pass legislation that will guarantee that the land will be there forever for future generations.

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please do everything possible to not only protect existing greenspaces but to expand upon them. make sure the greenbelt is completely protected from developers and industry for as long as possible